Score Text/Validate Text

Run in Postman: Validate text

This API should be used to ensure that all words in the speaker's response are included in the Speechace lexicon. This API enables quick verification of whether authored content can be accurately scored by Speechace, helping to prevent errors during the text authoring process.

Words not found in the lexicon can be reported to for potential inclusion. Alternatively, the phoneme list API can be utilized to handle out-of-lexicon terms.

Additionally, the Speechace API offers an option to automatically manage unknown words by determining the most likely phonetic mapping for each term.

Request Format

The endpoint that is to be used will depend on the region of your subscription. For example, for US West, the endpoint is


curl --location -g --request POST '{{speechacekey}}&text=%22Validate%20these%20words%20existeee.%22&dialect=en-us'

Query Parameters




API key issued by Speechace.



This is the dialect in which the speaker will be assessed. Supported only for en-us and en-gb.



A sentence or sequence of words to validate. For example: - With unknown words: Validate these words existeee. - With known words: Validate these words exist.

Response Example

If unknown words are found, the error_unknown_words error will be highlighted, accompanied by a detailed explanation provided in the detail_message parameter.

  "status": "error",
  "short_message": "error_unknown_words",
  "detail_message": "existeee"

Interpret the response

If any unknown word is found, it will be highlighted under the key detail_message with the error = error_unknown_words.

Last updated