Interpreting overall scores
Speechace API IELTS estimated scores are based on a standard IELTS scale of 0.0 to 9.0 and the standard IELTS speaking band descriptors.
Overall Score Bands
Demonstrates excellent fluency and coherence with rare to no pauses.
Has excellent vocabulary and demonstrates preciseness and sophistication in using words.
Has excellent pronunciation and sounds similar to a native English speaker.
Demonstrates excellent fluency and coherence with occasional pauses.
Uses a wide range of vocabulary and idioms with rare mistakes.
Uses perfect colloquial grammar while speaking.
Has very good pronunciation with very mild accent.
Demonstrates generally good fluency and coherence while speaking but may take occasional pauses.
Is proficient in using sophisticated vocabulary and idiomatic structures.
Proficient in expressing complex thoughts using a range of grammar structures.
Has reasonably good pronunciation with some accent.
Demonstrates reasonable fluency and coherence. Sometimes may hesitate while speaking due to inability to come up with appropriate vocabulary or grammar.
Has a reasonably high vocabulary and frequently uses uncommon idiomatic structures.
Generally uses good grammar while speaking but may make occasional mistakes.
Can generally be understood while speaking but can mispronounce frequently.
Demonstrates below average fluency and coherence. May need remedial training in speaking fluently and language construction.
Has limited vocabulary and and may have difficulty expressing complex thoughts.
Good at speaking simple sentences but regularly makes grammatical mistakes.
Has below average pronunciation accuracy and may not be easy to understand.
4 and below
Does not have adequate fluency and coherence and may need remedial training in speaking fluently.
Has inadequate vocabulary and may need remedial coaching.
Has below average knowledge of grammar usage in speaking. Needs language coaching to improve.
Does not have adequate pronunciation accuracy and may require remedial training in spoken English.
Last updated